Posted: 8/28/21 | August 28th, 2021 Hello everyone! Greetings from Croatia! Yes, I’m still here. However, I only have a few days left before I head into Slovenia…and then home! I’m currently Pula, a town...
Published: December 6, 2020 After being confined in our homes for some months because of the community quarantine, it is now possible to explore the outside world again. Today, many destinations in the Philippines are...
Posted: 11/03/16 | November 3rd, 2016 “The days are long however the years are short.” I’m not sure where I very first heard that phrase but, over the past year, I’ve come to believe it....
Posted: 6/16/2016 | June 16th, 2016 In an effort to expand the site, I’ve been adding much more guest contributors and, today, I’m announcing a LGBT column for the website. In this column, we will...
Updated: 8/1/20 | August 1st, 2020 Whisky as well as I got off to a rocky start. The very first time I tried it was in college. It tasted like rocket fuel. I only drank...
Last Updated: 2/2/2020 | February 2nd, 2020 Whether it’s unwinding on a picturesque beach, checking out Mayan ruins, or snorkeling the world’s second longest barrier reef, you’ll find that Belize is full of amazing as...